What games would you players like to see?

I am trying to achieve a good game that will make fun to the players and get a lot of plays!

I have wanted to develope a pirate game that is realistic but I found out that it was a thing so I come here to see what players want.

I have thought to just come here and get the feedback from players on what they want to see on ROBLOX 2020

Honestly, this kind of question won’t give you the answer you want. Each person has a different opinion on what kind of game they would like to see. Some may say “Simulator” since that is the trend but you may end up making something that is like every other simulator. The other issue is someone could give you a good idea but a good idea could be ruined by poor implementation. This could also be reversed with a bad idea becoming good by having great implementation but typically that doesn’t happen as much as the other one.

The other thing you should consider is, what are you going to be passionate about making? You won’t put your all into something that you find boring or don’t enjoy making. Do you have a certain genre you really like? I would sit down and see what concepts can be brought together to make a game. Plan out this game, think about how these features and concepts come together and how they work with each other. You probably will find some of these ideas to be bad over time and throw them out which is fine. You have to keep refining this game til you have a solid concept and solid idea of how to implement it.

This process of creating a game isn’t a short one if you want to be serious, you should take the proper time to plan, design, create, and test to see if you really have a great game. I would recommend trying something new, not another simulator or trendy game. Good luck to you and I hope you can create a game that you are proud of.

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I love your awnser, I wanted to make kind of like a realistic game with history in it, like Western or Pirate type but those two are already made and popular. So I don’t know what other history period times to do and make of.

Are you sure you want to make a game like that though, because like @Badandy11 are you going to be happy making it?
Or do you think it will be boring to you(i know you’ve been saying you wanted to) but you just need to make a game that appeals,not only to you but to a wider range of people. Because the last thing a Developer wants is for their audience to run out because of bad “Ideas”.

However as I’ve said before to develop a good game a key aspect is to listen to your community(which is what your doing right now)and see what they want. That’s what a good game would be.

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You could make something based in the time of the Vikings with like Norse Mythology. That would be cool.

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I understand, the man under you said a viking type thing and I really like that, like viking tribes and stuff

Definitely will take this to my team