What happened to the MemoryStoreHashMap?

I have tried implementing MemoryStoreHashMaps into my game, and I’m feeling gaslighted as I’m pretty sure they used to be included in the documentation, yet currently I cannot find them and roblox doesnt state its existence:

note “Hash Map” is missing

going as far as to state the existence of only two!! primitive data structures

and upon trying to use hashmaps in my game, i get this message:

Has there been any announcement on why this is so? and for how long? I already implemented them into my game

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Documentation exists here, but being honest I too don’t know any solutions and even got this issue myself

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Apologies for the delayed response, I just discovered this post. The Hash Map API is in private beta right now, we plan to release it this quarter. The beta will be open to the public very shortly. Extremely sorry for not noticing this thread and responding sooner.

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