What happens when there is high server memory being used?

I am thinking about moving my meshes to the server storage and i was wondering what would happen to the server if too much memory was used?

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Regardless of if you move it to the Server Storage, when you try to show it to the player, the Roblox game client will have to download it. On the server, I don’t think meshes are saved within your game. They are probably organized somewhere else, that is probably why they use asset IDs. This may have been done to prevent the issue you are thinking about.

So where should i store it?
Because i recently found out that storing meshes/instances in replicated storage uses client memory and that moving it to server storage will reduce the amount of memory being used on the client.

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You can store the mesh anywhere, either way, it will need to download that mesh file from another part in the Roblox server. You don’t have to worry too much about this, all of this is being handled by Roblox’s servers in the background. The reason storing meshes in ReplicatedStorage uses client memory is because anything in ReplicatedStorage automatically downloads to the client because whatever is in ReplicatedStorage is meant to be accessible to both the server and client.

By putting meshes in ReplicatedStorage, the player’s client is downloading those meshes when they enter the game. Putting the mesh in Server Storage will prevent it from using client memory, but once you take it out and put give it too the client, it will use the memory anyway until you delete it.

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Alright thanks, the meshes are only for temporary use anyway so ill store them in server-storage until they are needed.

I made a post about this just about a day ago, it gives some details into what happened to me when I had this issue. Keep in mind, not all memory leaks can be caused by meshes, they can be viruses too. If your certain then I agree with what @Sentross said. If you think your memory is too high and it’s from something else then it’s worth taking a look into as this can make a huge difference.