What IRL cars can we use/not use in game?

Due to copyright, some IRL cars like ferraris are not allowed to be in your games. I’ve always been scared of adding any realistic car model in my game because or a possible takedown.

So I am wondering: What car is it 100% sure being allowed on Roblox, or is there a way that makes them ok to use (no logo, some differences, etc)?

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99% of car brands are not allowed on roblox. I would suggest going the GTA V route and making cars inspired from real ones. Your assets/game can be taken down if they are more than 80% similar to the original one. This is more of a problem for bigger games with more exposure.

I want to make a simple Hub free admin game, and would like to add some free models car. But I’m unsure if I may have issues by using them or not.

No cars. None at all.

Just this.

If the model gets deleted (which considering its copyrighted material, it has a high chance) your game also gets deleted. Its better to just not take the risk.
Just use the roblox official free model car. It works and doesn’t resemble anything real.

But even cars inspired from real one can be taken down, according to what I heard.

I’d still like something a little more realistic…

The models I use are the most popular one, like the one you find when typing “car”. They haven’t been deleted, though they’ve been released a few years ago.

Make it different enough and copyright doesn’t apply. Can’t say something you didn’t make is yours. Thats why GTA Vs cars haven’t gotten any legal attention, sure they RESEMBLE real cars but they have enough changes to where they are no longer what they’re based off.

And, for a roblox example, Drive Worlds Ferrari F40, or as its called ingame, the “R400” has enough modifications (For example, different brake/tail lights and name) to where Ferrari can no longer copyright the model.

You can always just try making your own model, in blender or just in studio and then apply it to a chassis.
Learn enough and modelling cars isn’t all too hard, especially if you have good reference and know how to scale things.

It really ends up just waiting for when a company will strike an item, it won’t happen instantly and that’s for sure.
I had a game, up for about 2 years before it got deleted because an asset within it got copyrighted.

Companies you’d 100% want to avoid are: Lamborghini, Ferrari and possibly KIA.
(Only saying KIA because they got an official roblox game)

And just for me to say this, this isn’t a complete list, the list is just brands that would most likely 100% strike your game. I’m not saying other brands won’t, they sure as hell will if they deem it worthwhile.

But then, I guess monetization may factor into it as well.
Idk, I’m not a legal expert.

Either way its just better if you use a chassis kit and build the body yourself or modify the default roblox car.
You might get away with using free-model cars, but I seriously would just recommend avoiding them.
If they don’t have viruses in them, the handling on them is usually trash (At least from what I’ve used) and requires possibly hours of tinkering and half the sounds don’t work, so you end up with a model that looks good, a car that slides all over the place, low performance because of the amount of polygons because apparently no one knows what optimization is now and almost every car you use is suddenly electric because the engine is completely silent, or the engine is over-the-top loud and you have to mute it anyway.

Yes, I dislike the free model cars. How could you tell. Am I biased? Yes. Should you listen to me? Up to you.

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Thank you, that’s really helpful.

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