What is a good to-do list plugin?

I want to find a plugin to put down things I have to do to keep me more organized, however I cannot find one. I know these exist because I’ve seen them used in development related videos, but I can’t find them in the Roblox Library or the Developer Forum. So, what’s a good to-do list plugin?

You don’t need a plugin to do this? Why not keep a notepad near your computer, and a pencil? Or Google Docs? Those would probably be your best option. Good luck!

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Create a disabled script and list your ideas there.


Eh, good point. I guess I’d just prefer for it to be on the studio screen so I don’t have to keep looking back, but that works too. Thanks!

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Small contribution, here is a plugin that I use.

Also this when the pending task is from a script


I would recommend the website, Trello

It has alot of different features and let’s you organize your development process into different categories and cards for specific tasks needing to be completed.

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