What is a good way to start with building and modelling?

I watched the roblox beginner video and it was of no real help. Are there any courses or good videos that teach more about building and modelling? Is blender worth learning for building and modelling?


I HIGHLY recommend learning blender, not Roblox modeling. Or, do both, just do Blender first.
Watch this whole series.

For Roblox modelling maybe the chair tutorial would be more appropriate
Find a time to sit down and watch this, there’s a lot to learn.

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Thanks a lot for replies guys!


Yes learning blender is totally worth it!
I wouldn’t say there is a definite way to start off, thinking of something you want to create then learning what is necessary to make that thing usually works. Those tutorials above will be really useful so make sure you use them and try and apply techniques useful to you in your workflow.

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Occasionally yes, if your into creating all sorts of different models if its something you want to get into consider taking the time to research and start small to get the hang of how this 3D modeling software works. While there is enough topics related to building/ modeling I won’t go far.

Start with (blender gurus donut and mug tutorial) as he goes into details on how things work and to get the hang with how things work. While it does take practice to learn the interface and tools and how everything works in this software, I won’t go on as this has been discussed throughout the forum recently and previously. Refer

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Do we need drawing skills for blender? I suck at drawing oof.

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Well, when it comes to texturing a mesh drawing skills are extremely helpful.

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