What is a possible way to script

I’ve always been familiar with things like Modeling, Animating, GFX of many sorts… But never have I really ever looked into the Scripting aspect of Roblox Studio.

I want to eventually learn how to script properly in Roblox Studio as I believe that I have enough of other things mentioned above, all I need is a good knowledge of scripting in order to independently make games, or to become a central developer in future projects.

But there’s one thing i know some basics pretty good
I know some things , functions wait in the scripting aspect of Roblox. Feels a little embarrassing to admit it.
I want to learn how to script in Roblox Studio as I have many passion projects that I eventually want to make.

It would be greatly appreciated if you were able to help in any ways.

Go to https://www.youtube.com/@GnomeCode
Hes really helpfull and will teach you alot with scripting things!
–goodluck with scripting, If you need help just ask.

I can personally help you if you really need to.

The best way to learn is to start a project. Then when you need to script something like for say you want a moving part that goes back and forth in an obby find a Youtube tutorial on that. That’s what I did for every little thing I wanted to work in my project I tried to find a scripting tutorial.

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The advise that I echo to others who also ask for help when starting out would be to learn LUA as you would with any other programming language as opposed to jumping into the practical stuff straight away.

This means learning basics like variables, loops, tables, and functions. And you can don’t have to take the time booting up studio and waiting for the game to play/stop just to test your code. You can search up “lua compiler” on google and use any of the websites there.

I would also recommend pivoting away from Roblox tutorials for the time-being and search for “beginner lua tutorial” on YouTube and get the hang of the fundamentals. Only then I would advance onto working with Roblox Studio as well as tutorials intended for it.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for everyone’s replay i will try to get better and better in time It’s just kinda hard to learn lua on my own whit free models and teaching myself. im too poor to affoard anything