What is a roblox virus and how to avoid them?

Hello Forum. It’s me @EOASTUDIO here.
Today I will be explaining all I know about viruses in roblox games and how to avoid them.

We have 3 kind of viruses that we can get or prevent

  • Line 7 - Toolbox viruses
  • Line - Computer viruses
  • Line - Obfuscated code

Let’s start with the tutorial!

Toolbox viruses

What is a toolbox “virus”? A toolbox virus is merely a script that changes things in-game or that could send information about the game to other websites, ex. Discord.
For example:
I open the toolbox looking for a house model. That house model, could has a script in a part in the chimney. I don’t find out and I play the game. Maybe a tree starts flying around in circles.
End of example.

But I virus could also be a script that sends a message to a discord server saying “{username} has been infected. The game name is {game name} and the link is {game page link}.“. This could cause an intervention of a hacker that could hack your account.

How to prevent? Basically, just try to get models from models that have these requirements:

  • The model is popular and used a lot.
  • The creator is verified or a very known developer.
  • The model doesn’t have a strange name like “gfufufu house” for example.

If you are sure that the model is safe, add it to the game. I recommend having a antivirus plugin like Server Defender or RoDefender to detect known viruses in the game.
After that, check for anything strange within the model. Then if you are sure nothing strange is there continue development.
Just to be sure, I would add your account all security I could get like 2 step verification etc.

Computer viruses

This doesn’t really come from anything inside of roblox. It could by any app installed that may affect your gameplay or anything in your computer. To avoid it just install trusted apps.

Obfuscated code

What is obfuscated code? It is a piece of code that is almost un readable and full of random letters. It usually comes from free models or plugins.

Plugin viruses

What is it? It is a script that gets inserted by a plugin. How to avoid? Only install trusted plugins.

I will make this tutorial cleaner soon. Hope it helped you.


I would like to clarify - no Roblox models or viruses can access your account. The most (and worst) they can do is open a serversided backdoor to allow remote execution from the client. However, in the interest of keeping your account secure, it is still beneficial to enable 2FA.


A model could send a link to a discord server and send basic user information to the server and then the user can hack. It has sheen happened before

“Basic user information” is not enough to obtain access to an account. There is no property or data anywhere accessible by a Roblox script to see/access an account’s password, forget the game creator’s. Could you provide how this happened before?


To summary this, always have explorer open while inserting any models, and if there are any scripts, delete them.


By basic info I mean username. Then he somehow got into the account. It was on a post in the forum

There isnt computer vieuses which will ever touch ur roblox, maybe i5s plugins

Just a recommendation, you should add another type for Plugin Viruses, such as fake F3X plugins that insert scripts into your game.