What is AverageGcIn... in Performance in lua?

you can find AverageGcIn… if you show Performance on View and check Lua

what’s that? and how to get the number of value with script?

The full name of that stat is AverageGcInterval and it’s related to the garbage collector. You can’t get this value in Luau as far as I know; anything related to the garbage collector besides the count argument of collectgarbage is locked from the developer.

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It’s so sad that i can’t get that number. It’s necessary for me.

What’s your use case? What are you doing that needs the value of AverageGcInterval?

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there is a delay between physics and script in my game.
and the value of delay time is close to 0.15 sec
i think this value is related to AverageGcInterval

The garbage collection interval probably has little to no bearing on physics throttling or non-performant code in your experience. You should make better use of existing debugging tools to narrow down a problem. The engine can clean objects so long as you don’t have a memory leak and physics are going to depend on how you’re handling them overall - settings, how many simulations, environment, so on. Having this number in code won’t resolve your underlying issues.

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