What is better ads or sponsors

I want to advertise escape obby so i’m wondering what is better ads or sponsors?


Sponsors are shown as normal games that show up everywhere if you have a huge budget on it (to show oftenly).

Ads are basically ads, which is what I recommend. You should think about the ad you want to make (colorful, not too cartoony since some people dont click these types of ads] etc.) and don’t make ads like “FLAMINGO PLAYED” or “ADDISON RAE PROFILE” or something like that.

Overall you should choose…

Advertising the game and recommending YouTubers playing your game! This way people WILL play your game. I’ve advertised my game and man was it worth it! People actually started playing my game quickly with ads and that’s a good sign! I recommend 100-500R$ on the ads.


With how much robux you advertised and can I see your game?


Sure! Let me send you some stuff.



I advertised my game in two ads. Both bidded for 200R$ and they are different: One is a skyscraper, the other one is a banner. I sponsored the game for 75R$ every day, which would lead up to +200R$ in total.

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200 robux just for 30 visits? That is a scam tbh

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I prefer sponsors. I’ve done a lot of tests with them and have found that with ads I only got about 70,000 impressions and 12 clicks, and with a sponsor, I got 1,000,000 impressions and 63 clicks. This is with 24 hours of running and around 500 robux.


Ok, so heres the deal, sponsors show up for everyone who has access to the game, if enough is spent, stay much longer than an add, and at the same time the more you spend the more people see it. Advertisements on the other hand, last for a week, only show for people on the website(mostly people on computers), and the more you spend the more views you’ll get.

Now that that is out of the way, usually more people click on adds than sponsers. But with adds, there is a much lower chance that the person who clickes on the add will play the game than someone who actively clicked on the game because they thought it was intersting or were bored of most other games.

In my opinion, if you have less money I would go with sponsers, but if you have 1k or more to spend, then I would go for an add.


Sponsor = Cheap and efficient for building playerbase
Ads = Precise and intelligent for growing and spreading playerbase