What is better remote event for every UI or a single remote event for every UI?

Hello everyone,

this question was in my mind for a while and I was wondering.

I have a Remote event for every UI for example:

Shop UI = Shop Remote Event

Health UI = Health Remote Event

Now having too many remote events doesn’t look good so I tried making a single remote event handle all the UI stuff for example:

Shop UI = Open UI Remote Event

Health UI = Open UI Remote Event

do you think my approach will cause any issues? if so is there any alternatives for having too many remote events?

In my opinion, if you have different UI’s that do different things [such as buying items , selling stuff, buying products], then of course you’d have to use multiple remotes.

But, if it’s a shop, that’ll have many buttons, you could handle them all with 1 single remote.

I have different UI’s and I have a remote event for every single one
Almost every one of these events are for a single use (Opening The UI).

Is there a better option?

Why do you need a remote to open a UI?

You want the UI to be seen to everyone?

I’m using the remote event to open the UI from the server to the player who (for example Pressed E nearby the shop)

Oh, understandable.

Well, if that’s for UI opening, then yes - you could use 1 remote [call it OpenGUis or something],
and you could use it [with a general script] to do that [if that’s only to open GUI’s]