This turret system works pretty flawless on my block styled turret system, I knew there was going to be some weird behavior when transitioning to a spherical turret but how does this happen? (Look at the video)
Turret uses a basic hingeconstraint system, player presses A / D, Turrets hingecontraint (set to motor) turns on and bang, turret moves. For the spherical turret I made a small rectangular piece inside to help with horizontal traversal, when this piece rotates so will the sphere.
Don’t use HingeConstraints, they are very unperformant and unreliable. Instead use Weld instances. The structure of your turret should consist of an ghost “Base” part, where the horizontal pivot of the turret will be.
Weld the relevant turret parts to the Base, and by using Weld.C1 you can rotate the turret as a whole.
For vertical pitch control (I’m assuming your gun can rotate on the X axis) you can use the same approach. Make another ghost part “GunBase”, weld the gun parts to the GunBase, and then weld the GunBase to the Base.
Lol just use cframe, literally anything constraint or weld wise is literally just a means of transforming a part, cframe is the core to all part or camera manipularion. Also thats not lag thats most likely a bug, i normally see stuff like that whem people try using orientation instead of cframe, so whatever your using isnt going to work in your favour.
I appreciate the responses however I think I figured out the actual root cause.
I’m sure there are bugs and all with HingeConstraints, however it turned out to be because for a temporary time being I had moved the gunner seat away from the turret. and I think because at some ranges it was closer to the client then others it had to do something with transferring physics calculation.
This isn’t an actual problem because I planned to put the gunner seats inside the turret anyways, and in other models I’ve spent a LOT of time testing mobility and there’s no lag.