What is causing this?

Recently we’ve started to notice how in our game the UI is slowly corrupting the more you stay in-game.

Sure, you can fix it by just rejoining the game. Right?
Well yes, but actually no. I’ve joined the game once and it still had small effects of “corruption”
This is an example of it in action if you stay for a long time in-game. (not my screenshot)

(This only affects the UI, other aspects of the game are working as they should)

Is there a way to fix this? I’ve been trying to fix this for a long time and im still confused.

This is probably from a memory leak on the client. Open Task Manager at the start of the game and note how much memory is being used. When the glitch happens, compare.
The microprofiler probably isn’t usable for this unless it’s in C++.

Personal experience from a week ago: I once spammed an attack really hard in a game and after a short while, all the GUI - both core and player - disappeared, never to return. Task manager said ROBLOX was taking about 2.7GB of memory. It might’ve even glitched all the text and images on the GUI as in your second image, I can’t remember.
I didn’t try using the Shift+F* hotkeys to see whether those would show up.

I’ve checked performance stats, and the memory usage increases very slowly
Could a server script cause it or only a local script?

It is a memory leak, we had this before in one of my games. I can not recall where it was, but it can be any client-side script.

I think i found it. After disabling this script the memory stopped constantly slowly increasing. If its the one causing the memory leak i will let you know!