What is ColorShift in Lighting?

Pardon me if this isn’t the right subcategory (would it fall under Scripting Support?), but I’m just a bit confused on what ColorShiftTop and ColorShiftBottom do in Lighting. I’ve looked at the context help for these and they don’t quite make sense (to me).

I have experimented with them and I do not see a difference. Screenshots are attached below:

Color Shift is set to the highest value.

Color Shift Top is set to the lowest value.

Color Shift is set to the lowest value.

Color Shift Bottom is set to the highest value.


It’s a minimal color effect. It basically changes the tint of the top part (areas that the light reflects most on) and the bottom (areas the light reflects on least, aka most shadowed part).

In your example, you won’t really notice a difference. Here’s an example from me:

Apologies for the bad gif.

Edit (For people who hate links):



They are probably the coolest lighting options in my opinion. Areas exposed to the sun or sky will have a tint to colorshifttop while areas in shadow will have a tint to colorshiftbottom. It’s worth playing with if you’re looking for lighting that has colored shadows.


Do you recommend using it?

They’re useful, if that’s what you’re asking.

There’s no single way to do lighting. Play around with it and find what works in which projects of yours.

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They can make a huge difference in specific conditions. Here is a clearer example of them in action:

colorshifts =/= 0:

colorshifts = 0:

configuration for the examples:


(values not included are set to their defaults)

I tested them with future is bright and they didn’t seem to work, however. Take that however you wish.


I recommend using it if your lighting is based around being tinted.

Would it be helpful you think with night time aspect in a game?

It is designed to change the upper (facing source) and lower (hidden from source) ambient specular so instead of being white or dark it is that color. For nighttime this should be blue and purple and maybe some green

Oh definitely! My game’s lighting really improved once I used it. At night, the colorshiftbottom really starts to show up since most things are in shadow at night.