What is "Enum.platform.[Platform]" and when and how is it used?

Hi everyone, I recently noticed that by doing “Enum.platform”, the script asks me if I want to complete with words such as “3DS, iOs, PS3, Xbox360” and even Linux

But my question is WHEN and HOW Enum.platform used? I tried checking the documentation but found nothing about it (I think)

it’s on the little pop up. lets you run certain things if the player is on one of those platforms

From looking around, it doesn’t seem to be something you can utilise, and is instead likely just for internal purposes (hence why the associated functions are locked to RobloxScriptSecurity).

Yeah but how would it be used, like can you make it detect the player’s platform and make stuff with it? for exemple printing the platform name?

i think it can be called after playeradded happens (not entirely sure as i’ve never used it)

As I said in my reply, you can’t utilise it at all.

dang… It really sucks, thanks for answering tho.

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