What is going on and how do i fix it?

This bug has been appearing every single time i open studio

Screenshot 2022-11-23 163455

I have no idea what’s going on…the tabs keep separating into different windows and the only way to view the game is to undock it but then i wont be able to use the properties and explorer tabs

Please help, i am unable to make any progress on anything.

I’ve tried uninstalling studio, it was working fine until i reopened it.

Hard to tell from the images. The third image is tough to see because it doesn’t expand.

If you have the Place window Docked don’t the Explorer, Properties, and other windows just dock around that one?

Here’s the page about customizing the Studio setup in case you haven’t seen it.

My main problem is that the main game tab show a blank screen when it is docked. It instead creates another window at the back (3rd image) wait i’ll record a video if it is clearer

Appears to me as if you are running into the same bug as made in this bug report Windows incorrectly docking in Studio, malformed windows

thanks for the link, i’ve got it fixed for now

This topic should be at #bug-reports.

If it works now mark the post as the solution.

i wasn’t able to post there at the time

Well like a lot of persons. Make a topic that you want to put in #bug-reports then ask someone who can to post it in.

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