Hello! I want to make it so that my game background Image will keep moving towards a certain direction repetitively, and infinitely without stopping, How can I do this with ImageRectOffset and what is it, how does it work?
This is confusing, I don’t feel like they explain much about it in their.
combined with ImageRectSize
and some math you can make a GIF.
Crops the image so that it can be seen from one coordinate to another coordinate in pixels.
will move the image given by ImageRectSize
in pixels.
This is the image that Roblox gives, it measures 1024x1024
as the example on the page says, it will divide it into 12 frames of 256x256
the table it gives is how many frames it will jump to show such an image, internally it would look like this
What about just one image, like this for an example
How would I make it so all of the little tiny logo children can keep moving somewhere infinitely, or give off an illusion at least ( My Wording is trash and Idk how to compile that but I have it in my head )
Should something like that remain?
Just take the first picture from row 1 and 2.
More or less, this would work for the image above
local Number_of_frames = Vector2.new(10,0)
local Frame_size = Vector2.new(192, 1080)
local ImageLabel = script.Parent
ImageLabel.ImageRectOffset = Vector2.new(0,0)
ImageLabel.ImageRectSize = Frame_size
local Info = TweenInfo.new(10, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut)
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(ImageLabel, Info, {
ImageRectOffset = Number_of_frames * Frame_size
why does it zoom in and then fade into white or grey lol
Can you put some comments in the script? I’m a little confused on how some of the things work and I still want to learn