What is LoadingScript?

Hello there, recently I noticed an error in my test game when I loaded in in VR on accident.

It showed this:


I have no idea what script that is as it doesn’t exist when I search for it. I only have 2 scripts in game currently and have seen that. Is this some error with the VR version of Roblox or might it be a virus as i’m not sure. I haven’t downloaded any new plugins so its beyond me.

There are some scripts which roblox hides in studio, so it may likely be one of those

None of the CoreScripts are named ‘LoadingScript’, you can verify this by enabling the ‘show hidden objects’ setting.

I see, I have no clue what it could be then since it seems to try to make some form of a http request. Honestly it could just have been one of my plugins breaking but I still cant verify what it is so i’ll try check the core scripts when the game loads maybe.

Ok so I just found out that it is a roblox script

function GameInfoProvider:LoadAssetsAsync()
			while game.PlaceId <= 0 do

			-- load game asset info
			local success, result = pcall(function()
				self.GameAssetInfo = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId)
			if not FFlagLoadingRemoveRemoteCallErrorPrint then
				if not success then
					print("LoadingScript->GameInfoProvider:LoadAssets:", result)
			self.Finished = true

The script is: CoreGui > RobloxGui > Modules > LoadingScreen3d