Hello there, recently I noticed an error in my test game when I loaded in in VR on accident.
It showed this:
I have no idea what script that is as it doesn’t exist when I search for it. I only have 2 scripts in game currently and have seen that. Is this some error with the VR version of Roblox or might it be a virus as i’m not sure. I haven’t downloaded any new plugins so its beyond me.
I see, I have no clue what it could be then since it seems to try to make some form of a http request. Honestly it could just have been one of my plugins breaking but I still cant verify what it is so i’ll try check the core scripts when the game loads maybe.
function GameInfoProvider:LoadAssetsAsync()
while game.PlaceId <= 0 do
-- load game asset info
local success, result = pcall(function()
self.GameAssetInfo = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId)
if not FFlagLoadingRemoveRemoteCallErrorPrint then
if not success then
print("LoadingScript->GameInfoProvider:LoadAssets:", result)
self.Finished = true
The script is: CoreGui > RobloxGui > Modules > LoadingScreen3d