Hey everyone!
First give me an good explanation about MaxForce
everyone does script something else if we look up to MaxForce
Some people use
Vector3.new(1000,0, 1000)
Vector3.new(9999000,0, 999000)
why should I not do:
Vector3.new(9,0, 9)
and what can be the consequence for doing
Vector3.new(9,0, 9)?
Please explanation
limits the amount of force that’s applied to the part depending on what its Velocity
property is assigned as
Say if I put this low number for a BodyVelocity
script.Parent.BodyVelocity.MaxForce = Vector3.new(50, 50, 50)
This number would be too weak, since the MaxForce
isn’t that high and would probably result in the part moving like 0.5 studs at best before falling down on the ground
But having a high number instead:
script.Parent.BodyVelocity.MaxForce = Vector3.new(100000, 1000000, 100000)
This would set the BodyVelocity’s MaxForce
to a high number, which would more than likely result as the part “floating” & moving dependant on the Velocity
I also believe the MaxForce
depends on the Total Mass of your Part you want to move
Basically: MaxForce
determines the power of the Velocity
If the number is too low, the power is weak which would result in the part falling
If the number is too high, the power would maintain stable & allow the part to stay floating