What is missing from my abandoned power plant?

recently, I have been creating lootable areas for a game I am working on. However, I have been stuck for several days now on this abandoned power plant.

My primary goal is to create an expansive area that players can explore and loot; While also having hiding and vantage points for any player combat that may occur.

This was the layout I was going for. However, I am having trouble figuring out what I want it to look like. The area will be long and somewhat narrow since I already have the parameters set by its designated area on the map.

I have been looking at reference images, and they have helped me tremendously in designing the exterior and finding amazing ideas for the main building. However, I have fallen out of love with the design overall and am back to square one (for everything not yet completed of course).

Therefore, any ideas would be appreciated for the main building and the surrounding shell of smaller buildings. I would also be grateful for anyone who can point out anything that seems unrealistic or inaccurate.

If you want long and narrow, then just move the main building to the side. Unless you mean something else

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I mean the area as a whole is going to seem extremely narrow and long from the distance. The area it is in is going to be quite large compared to the character.

Here are two active power plants I am familiar with that may provide ideas. Google Earth is a good way to view.

Google Earth Search: “Rosebud Power Plant, Billings MT”

Colstrip Power Plant, Colstrip MT

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Thanks! I’ll take a look later today :slight_smile:

Looking at this, I feel like you are piecing components of it together but not making a full sketch of it. If I am right then I think you should make basic parts to use as a sketch of your build.

More specifically though I think the nuclear reactors look a bit unoptimized and inaccurate since they aren’t circular and it seems they have 2 parts intersecting with one another on each surface. I also mentioned that it seems you didn’t make a full sketch because the skybridge and the room connected to it seem inaccurate.

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If you’re going for realism, I recommend changing the colors of the road and sidewalk (or anything else basically) to what you would typically see in real life. I also suggest adding a security post or fence and more props to the side, as it does look a bit dull.

The current shape of buildings and what you are going for looks a bit fine overall, but I highly recommend adding more shapes such as wedges and rooftop props, too.

Again, if you’re going for a realistic approach, I recommend using more than one reference photo (if you haven’t already.) If you want to add an interior, I recommend visiting this game here: [V1.4.2] Realistic Boiling Water Reactor Simulator - Roblox
The game might help you accommodate what you are going for, but if you are going for a basic and simple appeal; that’s fine too–howbeit, it might not intrigue some players.

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