What is my rig missing?

Hi, so I’m trying to rig and animate a custom model of a Bigfoot that I have, and it hasn’t been going great…

I started off by using a plugin to easily create Motor6D’s on each limb. I tested this in the Animation Editor and all the joints were moving around the right sockets, so that part was successful.

However, when I tried running the default Roblox walking animation on it, it did the most awkward animation ever, I’ll take upload a video of that here:

On top of that, I did notice weird behavior with the limbs in my rig. I thought it was default Humanoid behavior for limbs to have their CanCollide property turned off, but for some reason that property is still on for every limb…

I feel like I missed a step here that’s screwing everything up :confused:

Any help appreciated, thanks.

This is bizarre. So I found out I had the wrong rig type set on the Humanoid, I set it to R15, but now it falls half way through the ground and adjusting the HipHeight doesn’t change anything. Also, it’s feet and hand meshparts turn brown for some reason?? That completely screws the model up…

Any help appreciated, thanks

well the hand problem can be fixed with the body color factor, the model in the ground I do not know how to fix