What is needed to make this work?

How would I let a UI move with someone’s cursor. I want an image label to be the player’s cursor. So if someone moves their cursor left, the image label would also move left. Thank you.

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Its pretty easy to do.

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local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://ID"

To change the mouse icon is what I think you are referring to.

Well I’ve come up with a solution but if you are referring to changing the cursor icon then @Pixelctrl’s method is good to go.

But if you are trying to move the UI to the mouse position you can do something like this:

mouse = localplayer:GetMouse()
imagelabel.Position = UDim2.new(0,mouse.X,0,mouse.Y)

preferably in a loop to keep the UI moving.

while true do
	local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
	Cursor.Position = UDim2.new(0,Mouse.X,0,Mouse.Y)

This is the way I want it to be, but it isn’t working. Where do I need to put the LocalScript. Do I need to put it into the imageLabel ServerScriptService, or somewhere else?

local mouse = localplayer:GetMouse()
while task.wait() do
	imagelabel.Position = UDim2.new(0,mouse.X,0,mouse.Y)

I’ve placed it in the UI and it worked flawlessly.
Note: that local scripts only run in the character, player guis, player scripts and etc.