What is rawequal used for?

I know rawset() and rawget() I just don’t know how to use rawequal() any help thanks

It’s probably like rawget(arg) == rawget(arg)

You can use that function to equal a metatable without calling the metatables __eq function.

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It isn’t working

function idk(one, two)
print(rawget(one) == rawget(two))

idk(“Red”, “Green”)

Rawget expects 2 things, a table and an index to get from that table.

Again, rawequal is used to check if 2 things are equal without invoking the __eq metamethod of metatables. It is required if you set up an __eq metamethod

At the end of this article, it mentions all three of the raw functions, rawset, rawget and rawequal, and their use cases, although it mentions rawset only, it still gives enough info as to why the others also have to be used in your metatables

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