What is read parallel

This is just a quick and simple question; I am confused about what read parallel is since it says that the property is “read-only” when hovering over it on docs, but I can write to it fine in studio.

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Read Parallel is one of the access safety levels of parallel threads. When code is actually run on different cores (Parallel Luau), we face some challenges with syncing and coordinating threads and their read-write access.

Read Only also applies to (normal) serial code, and the tag means a script may only read a property but not modify it (e.g. AnimationTrack.IsPlaying).

If you were able to change the property in Studio from a game script (not the command bar or a plugin), perhaps there’s an error in the docs or maybe it can be modified in Studio but not in game. Which property of which instance was it?


Ok I’m guessing now that read parallel means it can be written to unless its in parallel luau. I was just confused since basically every property out there is tagged as read parallel.

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