"What is Roblox" contains errors

Reproduction Steps

  1. Join "What is Roblox" Training Experience - Roblox

  2. Go to the “Learn about Camera Controls” section, it’s the second section.

  3. Go to the first bookshelf on the right, it’s the second one in

  4. Open the ProximityPrompt (top image)

  5. Complete this area and go to the obby section

  6. Open the ProximityPrompt for “Learn about Obbies” (bottom image)

  7. Now to go the end of the place and go to the QnA person. (They’re on the left)

  8. Ask them “Is Roblox safe?”

Expected Behaviour

I would expect Roblox to correctly refer to these universes as experiences and not games, as done in the final area.

Actual Behavior

In both examples, Roblox refers to the universes on their platform as “games”. This is no longer the best term. Introducing the wrong term to players may introduce confusion.

Roblox is dedicated safety.

This should be finished.

Issue Area: Education
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-01-04 18:00:00 (+00:00)


Also, in the library, only the first box is clickable; the other two are not.


Those typos have been addressed - thanks for looking into that!

With the first one - “Roblox is not a single game”… I’m actually deciding to keep it as is just since the audience here is brand new users who often assume that Roblox is a single “game”, and not a platform for experiences.


Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify the first image is what I expect, the second and third are actual wrong behaviour


So there was actually an issue in the library where if you don’t interact with the NPC, it doesn’t trigger the “quest” to get the items, thereby making the boxes clickable. I’ve fixed this issue so that even if you ignore the NPC, the quest still gets activated.

If you do encounter any issue, feel free to reply with how you found it and I’ll look into it.



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