What is Run Service, What are all of the functions and what do they do?

Hello! I’m trying to learn scripting, I keep seeing something cald run service. What is RunService? What are all of the functions and what do they do? What can I use this with?

When in doubt, read the documentation. Also, most of the functions are self-explanatory.


Try to look at the documentation first or a tutorial on Youtube, the forum is intended for specific issues which the more generic documentation or tutorial don’t cover.

That aside, the most popular use case of RunService are the events Heartbeat, Stepped and RenderStepped. In simple terms, you can connect these events to a function which will now run every frame. More detailed explanation here. IsServer or IsClient are also somewhat used in modules to determine whether the script using the module is running at the server or client.

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Watch this tutorial on YouTube

This post was made 2 years ago…

Thanks for trying to help but I’ve already found a solution but didn’t mark it as that at the time

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