What is Stressful Tower?

What is Stressful Tower?

Stressful Tower is an obby game inspired by Tower of Hell. It has 70+ stages! We add more stages just about every day!

Is Stressful Tower a Tower of Hell clone?

No, Stressful Tower is not a Tower of Hell clone. It is an obby game inspired by Tower of Hell. The stages are completely different, the tower design is different, and there is no timer like Tower of Hell! Feel free to disagree with me.


When was this game created?

This game was created 7/4/2020. It even lists it under the games description!

Who made this game?

Kingofmindcraf is the owner, there are multiple developers.

How can I donate?

You can donate by clicking on the donation board on the color that you want to donate! There are signs pointing to which color does what amount of donation!

Thanks for reading! I hope you have fun at my game!