What is the absolute easiest way

To make a grouped set of light parts randomly turn on and off without adding a script into each individual light and without looping patterns.

I suppose you have to be online 24 hrs a day with F3X changing the light brightness.

Seriously tho, I am pretty sure you can’t do this in any other way.

why wouldn’t there be a way, it just makes it less chunky and only requires one script for example the elevator light flickers while the other remain the same and a few seconds later the elevator light is fine but one of the above ones flickers.

local ModelWithLights = [YourModelWithLightsHere]

local minWaitTime = [YourMinDelay]
local maxWaitTime = [YourMaxDelay]

while true do
  wait(math.random(minWaitTime, maxWaitTime))

  local randomLight = math.random(1,#ModelWithLight:GetChildren())
  local LightObject = ModelWithLight:GetChildren(randomLight):FindFirstChildOfClass("SpotLight") -- Change "SpotLight" to "PointsLight" or whatever the light is named.

  for i=1, math.random(3,5) do
     LightObject.Enabled = false
     LightObject.Enabled = true

Of course, you have to make sure that the model with all the lights only contains the light models. And each LightModel needs to have only one Light Emmiter.

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Thanks for the help but i should have also added i’m trying to avoid while true loops

Why do you want to avoid them? They can be quite practical.

Edit: If you want them to not yield your entire script I suggest you use coroutines.


You’ll still need to make use of a for construct (looping pattern) unless you want code that looks like the following.

light1.Enabled = false
light2.Enabled = false
light3.Enabled = false
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They can cause lag I’m pretty sure they can interfere with the server .