What is the avg amount of USD to spend making a game?

ok great but do you have a link to where he said all this?

I just wanted to pipe in here, Berezaa has made 1mil USD from Roblox, I can probably safely say a good chunk if not most is from MH, as the devproducts are not cheap, and I know countless users who have spent about 5k most time they play (myself included) due to the whole crate system he has, the best crate being 75 robux ea(or per 3? i donā€™t remember).

But he also has other games prior to Vesteria and MH as well that have also made money. [not to mention he was included in an article listed as one of the first few developers to actually make 1mil USD off the platform).

As for the avg amount it cost to make a game, as everyone else has said it varies and there isnā€™t a definite number. You can make a game for nothing if you are able to do everything yourself of have friends willing to work for free (or a % of the profits).

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Yo, thanks for the clarification. Can I have a link to that article for developers that have made 1 million? Not because I donā€™t believe you or anything, just sounds interesting.

You cannot trust a site that estimates.

You can actually verify it by hand if you would like. Use this site:

Put the gamepass ID there at the end, and I can guarantee you it will be exactly the same (or within a negligible margin of error) as the site says. And I say this because Iā€™ve done it. The API site there shows the total sales of the gamepass.

It states *Game Pass sales and Place Access sales only. If you watch him in last years RDC in the monetisation panel he mentioned his highest earning products were crates (dev products)

Just using my own games for example, 80%-90% of my revenue was from dev products. Using that logic for his game, if 90 mil robux from just gamepasses and paid access, it would be a 8-9x that amount including dev products.

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Wow, really? I was just basing the dev product estimation on other threads Iā€™ve seen where some developers said that dev products usually account for around 50% of total profits. Iā€™ve never really played Minerā€™s Haven but it does seem entirely possible that for any decently monetized game that dev products could indeed give at least 5x more profit than gamepasses.

The article itself apparently doesnā€™t state anything about how much theyā€™ve currently made, nor who the estimates are for (although itā€™s pretty obvious since thereā€™s really only 3 devs mentioned), but this is the one I was referencing: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/roblox-how-teenage-developers-are-making-millions-2017-7

It does seem a bit different than my memory, so I was probably remembering it a bit different when I referenced it above.

turns out not having audio is a dealbreaker to quite a lot of people on if a game is bad or good, so people miss out a lot by not having sound

You really donā€™t need money to make a game, if you have influence. The only real money you should spend is advertising / art. Everything else, like asset creation, should be on a percentage.

I spent virtually nothing (< 5 USD) developing Sworge. Of course, I was fortunate to have a friend create audio for me at no extra cost, as well as another person make me a cool model (thanks Z Productions!)

Marketing is another story though. To actually get the game played, unless you can ride the coattails of an existing media presence, requires the $$$ method

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