What is the best 3D modeling software to use?

I mean if you want, but I use the latest version and never ran into performance issues witha crappy laptop

Even with high poly assets

ok, I am just going to install the newest version because it keeps showing me the index of 2.79 and idk what to do from there

then use blender’s older version such as 2.69

I am installing version 2.93 right now should I cancel it and install 2.69?

your laptop is far better than mine
mine will not support open GL 3.3 so i use older version of blender

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you have to consider your gpu
and openGL version

Uuh where do I see my gpu

try installing it if you recive errors then go woth older versions

It’s installing pretty smoothly right now but it’s just really slow but I think and hope that it will be fine

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Gimp is not a 3D modeling software but more for graphic design and drawing etc.

Then buy a new computer. just save some money. Like there are some 350 USD laptops that are refurbished on Amazon with 8gb of ram that can run blender and Roblox well.

Oh, I did not know that. When I was looking for software a long time ago people told me that I should use gimp.

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I think the laptop I have right now will be fine. I hope.

Thank you all so much I installed blender successfully and I couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help. I did get a notification saying my graphics card wasn’t good enough but I will work around it.


Blender is the best 3D modeler out there. Roblox studio is also good and simple to use. But if you really don’t want to use roblox studio, use Paint 3D that your laptop should already have and use the 3D shapes menu.

After all of the replies to this topic I tried blender and it works really well with my laptop. I was using paint at first but didn’t like it. I might try it again someday just to add more color to my models.

I guess it should work alright but with an old version (not too old)