What is the Best Application to Learn Lua

Greetings everybody. I’ve already made a topic on this but it kind of came out as a misunderstanding. So I’m here today to ask what is the best application to learn Lua. I’ve been using https://www.repl.it for a few months.

But now I feel like switching to Visual Studio Code or any other best at most. Just something that can help with flow and help me learn quicker, please let me know some applications down below in replies. Thank you for reading.


I feel like roblox lua is super simple and easy compared to other languages like c#.

Edit: I tried using Repl.it and it is harder than roblox scripting, there is no auto complete etc.

Like I was trying to do a for loop but I guess wait isn’t a thing.

Roblox seems to be the best since you can learn from the wiki and it isn’t hard at all to learn.

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Learning lua is the exact same as learning any other memorization-based skill. When you have to take in a large quantity of information, which is certainly true for coding, you just need to practice - it doesn’t matter the application you use. Reading/discovering features of lua, then putting those into practice is the easiest way to reach the level of retention needed.

I’ve learned best through ROBLOX Studio, but at the end of the day it is a matter of preference and it’s a matter of how you intend to apply these skills. If you are looking to become more familiar with industry standard technology than VSC is certainly the path to go down, however for me only doing this as a hobby in my spare time I’ve had no issue with using Studio.

I will once more reinforce that it’s not so much that application, but the methods you are using to learn, so find an app that you are comfortable with using and just start coding things.