What is the best way to design a main menu so a player can choose their loadout before spawning in?

So in most games upon joining you don’t spawn in first. You’re prompted with some sort of main menu, you select your team, you select your guns, your weapons etc. Then you finally spawn in.

What’s the “best” way to go about doing this? I started playing around with a system where I “hold” the players in an inaccessible box… (how phantom forces does it?) before teleporting them onto the player field once they “spawn in”. But I figured there had to be a better way. I attempted ticking off CharacterAutoLoad but that prevents the player from actually loading in, which introduces a myriad of issues.

why not box method?

thats what many games use, its perfectly efficient, does its job, everyones happy

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The box method is probably the most applicable, but disabling CharacterAutoLoad can also work as long as you remember to :LoadCharacter() when you want the player to spawn, though it creates unnecessary complexity compared to the box.

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