What is the best way to detect dupe?

I am working on a project. I’ve stopped most type of dupe with using Tool IDs but i want to know if theres a better way to detect duping insted of checking IDs.


I’m sorry could you please be more specific on what’s being “Duped”, also if people are able to DUPE in your game then their must be something with your coding that’s allowing them to replicate whatever is being duplicated and allowing it to save. (meaning the server is acknowledging this new existence)

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My game has Item drop system so they can drop items as many as they want. But they can also dupe if theres something to abuse. I want to know best way to detect duping.

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again “item drop system” I am not sure what you’re on about, Is this a Inventory/Backpack with Drag and Dropping or is this purely just dropping tools out of inventory. If it’s inventory/backpack dragdrop system then when duping shouldn’t be possible as you should be only passing through a request to the server of changing an items position. If its for tool dropping then you should have a listener for Backspace being pressed and then fire a request to the server, the server will then check that players datastore to see if they truly own/have that item and then it should remove from their backpack/character and make it drop on the ground. Let me know if it’s not either of these!


There is no official way without knowing how your drop system works. What lies in your problem is how it first started, and that’s what programmer have always in their mind. Without knowing how the problem happened or how it will happen, you can’t solve it.


Maybe save data when people leave the game, or every 60 seconds, also be sure that the inventory data is stored server side, like a string value in a player, generated once they enter the game, because exploters can touch anything that is client sided, but not too much which is server sided. Also make a player var, which has to be true in order for the player to recive items, and set it to false right when the code is ran to recive the items. To make it more confusing and hard for the players to hack, make it so that they have to set 10 serverside vars to true to save items, and if one is set to true for 10 seconds, you can kick the player out of the server maybe. And do what punishment you find nessasary.

How are they duping in the first place?

Item dropping should be done server-side to verify each instance of a drop. To make sure the client always has what they say they do.

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Methods to duplicate:
Multiple players clicking to pick up at same time
Dropping the item multiple times
Player Dropping and leaving game quickly so inventory isn’t changed (Or loading data)
Dropping and picking up repeated times quickly (Auto clickers can do this)

Remove item from the inventory and saving before allowing the item to drop

Processing tag on item so once clicked others cant pick it up

Item IDs to stop duplicates existing (I know you want to avoid it but its good)

Time stamping item drop and attempted pickups so server can prevent multiple players from receiving the item even if they click it in time. (This could also be used if the item is able to be put into containers or processed with machinery)


Ah, I meant I was asking her specifically to tackle a specific problem rather than blanketing it with possibilities. But fair.