What is the best way to get better at scripting?

  • YouTube
  • DevForum
  • DevHub
  • Otherā€¦ (please specify in replies)

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You can also take apart free models to see how they work, also try things yourself. Making mistakes and learning from them is one of the best ways.


Thanks! I will try it in my free time! I never thought of that.

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I just watch alvinbloxā€™s series on how to script and I take notes of the important topics then try it out


Ok. I will try it out too! Thanks!


for me thedevking goes slower so its better to understand and RoScripter teaches things that you would most likely need in a game!


Thanks! Iā€™ve watched TheDevKing but Iā€™ve never heard of RoScripter! Will watch.

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This is really important. You will only ever start to learn things if you actually try it yourself, and not just copying off of a tutorial.


Iā€™ll be honest. Donā€™t hate me for this but sometimes I used to give up when I tried something that didnā€™t work. Iā€™ll definitely try to learn from them and Iā€™ll post here if I cant figure something out! Thanks for the suggestion!

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When I was learning, I had to make as shop system for my game, I had no clue how to do it. I spent over 3 days trying to make it work. It wasnt great, but I learned so much from it. Dont give up.


I think my weaknesses are ā€œfor loopsā€ and some other scripting stuff, and GUIs. I will try to work on them as much as I can.

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Honestly, there is no the ā€œPerfectā€ source to learn Roblox scripting. You need to learn from different resources such the DevHub (The wiki"), the DevForum, YouTube tutorials but the most important way to actually get better is by coding! There is nothing called ā€˜the magic trickā€™ to make you great at scripting ( or everything).

And I am done, hope my reply helps you!


You really need to work on learning these things as much as you can! Especially, for loops. I made a custom string split function that can delete every space for example, if I gave this string ā€™ Yo I am cobraā€™ to the function it returns a table contains Yo, I, am, cobra.
And guess what? I made that function using for loops!

And I am done, hope my reply gave you a concept on how important for loops are!

EDIT: forgot that if I inserted alot of spaces in the DevForum, it gets deleted lol


yea this is quite also how i learn, i just takes scripts from free models and remodify them

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Youtube is kinda useless.
Canā€™t ask questions, Youtube is just listen to a person whispering with an extremely small screen so its impossible to read.

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I disagree, youtube is a great resource because if you watch enough of them you get the fundamentals of scripting down, but there is also a lot of other great resources out there.


DevForum, Youtube and reading the Wiki.