What is the best way to learn scripting?

Hello everyone, I have a question. I have been going on and off for years trying to learn scripting. I should have mastered it by now because of how long I have been trying for years, but still cannot use it professionally. I want to be at the level where I can fluently script something in my mind, or some sort of FPS game. I have looked at Youtube tutorials of specific things such as how to script a specific item, and also just the fundamentals. Is there any advice that is the best way to fully learn scripting?


Tutorials and fundamentals will only get you so far, projects are what push you to the limit.


I learned by at first using AI then looking at tutorials and now I can make datastores with ease. I think if you know variables, then you should start looking at youtube tutorials. Otherwise, it will be hard to learn from them because you won’t understand what they are saying.

programming is like learning a new language; even if you get stuck with the same words, you have the power to expand your vocabulary and find ways to improve your coding skills. Start by programming basic things, moving stuff around, performing tasks with mouse clicks, changing colors—whatever! Open your mind and do whatever comes to your head; don’t give up, give it a try! You can seek help anywhere, whether from yourself or someone in a forum; just be strong and enhance your skills to the point where you can do magnificent things. Always save your old projects to see how much you’ve grown and take pride in your past. I’m sure if you apply this, you’ll become a knowledgeable scripter in no time!


texto original, em portugues
programacao e como voce aprender um novo idioma, por mais que voce esteja encalhado sempre nas mesmas palavras, voce tem o poder de adquirir um vocabulario maior e descobrir formas de melhorar sua fala e sua fluencia. procure programar coisas basicas, mover coisas de um lado para o outro, fazer certas coisas com cliques no mouse, mudar coisas de cor, nao importa! expanda sua mente e faca coisas que vier na cabeca, nao desista e tente! voce pode procurar ajuda em qualquer lugar, seja por si proprio ou por alguma pessoa no forum, apenas seja forte e melhore suas habilidades ao ponto de fazer coisas magnificas. sempre salve projetos antigos para voce ver o quanto voce cresceu e se orgulhar pelo seu passado. tenho certeza que se voce aplicar isso vai ser um scripter com bastante conhecimento daqui a um tempo!


I think a good way to script better is to look inti Roblox documentation sometimes if you don’t understand Youtube Tutorials. But if there is something that you don’t understand, ask someone. Or if you don’t have someone to ask, ask Roblox Assistant, not for full scripts, for how to use a feature. So just ask people who know scripting for help :slight_smile:
And also try to make things by myself without looking into tutorials


First, learn Programming Logic.
Then learn basic usage of Lua.
And then, follow the Roblox Scripting Tutorials.

Before I started to develop in Roblox, I was making a grid RPG in Command Prompt with C++, lol.

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First, use the official Roblox AI(Don’t let it give you the code, ask it questions instead.) Then practice a lot.

What kinds of things should I ask? Specific questions, or more of a general question.

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I would start by having an idea on what kind of game you want to make, then attempt to do it and try as hard as you possibly can to make it possible. TRY EVERYTHING! If you have trouble, find a workaround or try adding something else. Scripting didn’t really click for me until I had over 3 years experience but failure after failure is exactly what made it click. Ask questions, even on things you think you know because that’s how you improve. I find neat tricks all the time that improve my script.

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