What is the best way to make city streets?

Hi, I’m new on the Developer Forums, and I’m trying to find the best way to make city streets because I’m making a game that is on a city but I’m struggling for a way to make streets, Thanks in advance!


One part for the road and people often use textures for the road lines, cross walks and other painted on features you often see on a road. When it comes to layout there are a few plugins that allow you to generate certain types of curves for road ways.


When generating a world for the player, I normally create segments.

These segments are built by hand (usually) and serve one purpose.

For example, in roads I would have a segment for a straight road, another for a road with a cross walk, another for an intersection, etc.

Once I finish all of the segments I then copy and piece them together.

a tip. Ensure all segments are the same length, it will help when piecing it all together.


If you mean street as in “roads” then, this plugin maybe perfect for the job!

In addition to the great ideas above, I touched a bit of city planning and streets in this post that you may find helpful: