What is the best way to make game revenue?

I want to make game revenue in the best possible way I could which in my view would mean more revenue. A lot of people have failed making revenue in a game because of the ways they do it. That’s why I am here, I am interested in suggestions on how to make game revenue and the price I should use for it. I thought of making the game Alpha and sell it for around 100 robux? thoughts?I would also like the way to gain revenue to get a lot of people to buy it. I also want people to be happy with it too. Thanks!

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I searched “monetization.” Monetisation 101: How to effectively generate revenue in your Roblox Game


Focus more on developer products. Gamepasses are cool and are good to have, but developer products make a lot more.

For example, if you had a racing game where you got a certain amount of money at the end of each race, it would be better for monetization to have a developer product at the end of reach race to get x2 money for that race, as opposed to a gamepass that gives x2 money for every race. Obviously it would be cheaper, and that is good for monetization. For one, that would be easy to sell to someone who hasn’t purchased anything from your game yet, and players who buy once are more likely to buy again. Multiple purchases of the one developer product would add up over time far more than a gamepass could.

From what I’ve seen, VIP or Premium gamepasses are also easy sells and sell well. Just don’t overprice anything, and base price on how desired the item is.

To get the right price for a paid access game, I would high-ball the price at first, then gradually decrease it until you get the amount of players/profit you want.