I am making a large building with a lot of windows. Like an office building.
I don’t know if I should use unions to cut out the windows or take the extra long and tedious process of duplicating and resizing parts to fit around the windows. I don’t know if having the windows being unioned would cause other problems. Any help would be great.
If you’re going to use alot of parts to make one window, then I do recommend unioning. If it’s like a rlly big office, then I recommend you use meshes as it greatly reduces lag. You do need to know how to use 3D programs like blender to make those though
Use Ctrl+D
to duplicate things.
That’s not hard.
Something like this I’d just use 1 piece of ‘glass’ the size of the entire wall with CanCollide on and a BlockMesh to make it appear thinner, then put CanCollide off Parts in as the vertical pillars and horizontal wall sections.
Depending on the Material used you may want to make either the vertical or horizontal Parts slightly thinner than each other so you don’t get Z-fighting with surfaces trying to render in front of each other.
Unions are less performant than plain parts so I guess you can do it the good old way and fit around.
If you have resize align it would do basically half of the work for you.
I am a master at this for sure.
Duplicate them. Unions, especially when used excessively, can eat away at memory. The best way to approach this is to make one window in one of the corners, duplicate it to form a row, then duplicate that row up to form columns up to the top of the building.
For real though, this is a solution to many