What is the best way to make models regenerate?

I have a sinking ship game and whenever it sinks, I need to make it regenerate.

I thought of just having a saved copy in server storage or something and then use clone(), but clone is very unreliable.

Does anyone know of a reliable way to regenerate models?

I’m confused on what you mean by Object:Clone() being unreliable. If the object is placed in the ServerStorage and is unmodified, it should be spawning in the same position each time, very reliably. Could you elaborate more on that?


Will having a model in server storage cause any lag to clients?

Lag will always be an issue when moving a group of parts from ServerStorage to the Workspace. If lag is your issue, I recommend simply modifying the model as needed and then resetting each part to a default position instead of duplicating it in-and-out of ServerStorage. It’ll take more code and therefore more effort, but will save you in the long run.

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No not when it’s regenerating. I just mean at any time, I know there will be lag when it clone sit and moves it to workspace.

If you’re looking at general lag, I suggest decreasing part count and utilizing StreamingEnabled. Keep in mind, even with all of these enabled/in effect, people with poor PC’s will still experience lag.

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Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it!

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