What is the best way to store changing Variables for both server and local?

What is the best way to store variables that can be seen by both server and local scripts, and will be changed by server scripts? I tried having a bunch of value objects, and that works just fine but I wanted to see if I could do it without having a bunch of object instances so I tried modules, but that didn’t work because local scripts can’t detect changes.

StatusListForExample = {
	Aimed = true,
	Reloading = false,
	AmmoInMag = 15,

Thank you in advance and sorry if I’m not using the right terminologies.

Attributes are similar to object values and run a lot faster. I mean there’s a bunch of ways to do it, but I think attributes are probably my favorite as they’re extremely easy to organize.

Attributes - Now Available! - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox
Instance Attributes (roblox.com)

Attributes and then ValueBase objects for whatever attributes don’t support, i.e; instance values.
