What is the best website to make a sound

Hello there,
what is the best website to make a sound for a starter developer?
can you give me any website that makes easy, simple, and also the best sound to pick?
if you know, you can tell me what website is and also a link to the website.
So… if you helping me it really meant for me and also the starter developer that was new in Devforum. so yeah reply back if you know what kind of website.
I think that all and I will see you in the next reply…

before I forgot, if you still wanna send any sound website you can still post this in this topic" what website to make the sound" and if you want to reply make sure to tell about the website and how it start to work…putting any sound website for this topic.
Bye now


Here’s a list of royalty-free sound websites:

Envato Elements

BBC Sound Effects


can this website use?

Yes, you can. You can use really anything that’s royalty free.

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It’s worth noting that, in regards to Epidemic Sound, “Royalty Free” does not mean “Free.” You have to buy a license for each sound effect you use. It starts at $1 per effect, and if you’re using it for a “major game” you have to request a quote for commercial license. I’m not patient enough to request a quote but in my experience commercial licensing is multiple times larger than normal. Honestly recording your own sound effects will be much cheaper, even if you need to buy a microphone.


what is the best way to get a license to avoid copy right?

You buy a commercial license. Keep in mind you’ll be paying a pretty penny.

is it good if you don’t put your company name?

You can just put the name of whatever group you’re publishing the game under, or you can try sending the request without a company name.

You might find it useful to use an audio workstation. Theres a bit of a learning curve with synthesis making and sound design, but if you get past that then you have plenty of freedom to make any type of sound. Audio workstations are also good for cleaning up and enhancing recorded sounds of ur own.

If this sounds interesting, I know Ableton 10 live has a 90 day free trial and is packed with features.

I use http://soundtrap.com/ there are free sounds available that can be edited to however you please. Its also a pretty simple and fun website for making your own music too.

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is this the same thing with the other website?

I can’t look into every website but if you look through them, their license terms will explain the info you’re looking for.

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I’d suggest a subscription to Splice. I get my synths and drums from there. They also got cinematic sounds.

Everything on there is for commercial use too. Worth it if you want to get good quality.

I have 600 credits I have yet to use so I’d be happy to spend them if you need an effect.

can you give me the link?
i need to see by myself

Here you go https://splice.com/

I know of a good website for making music, if that’s what you mean. It can be used in the web browser, and you can also download a desktop version if you’d like. (Optional, of course. :sweat_smile:)

Here you go, I hope it helps! - https://www.beepbox.co/

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Hey there!

Reaper is decent for their free trial. Give them a go.

If you have money to spare, I recommend:
Logic Pro X (MAC ONLY)
Pro tools

can you provided the link, thank you


Try the trial on there out.

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