What is the ClientAnimatorThrottling property?

This isn’t as much of a help or feedback request, and more so a curiosity spark.

I was looking at all of the properties that can be found on the Workspace instance, and found a property called ClientAnimatorThrottling, which has Enums Default, Enabled, Disabled.


What is this feature? The developer hub has no information on it, and I can’t find any thread about it on here.

Edit: Thanks to @mitex7183 I found this in the release notes on the Developer Hub

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To my knowledge it will not render animations on players that are either too far away from the client’s camera or out of view


This might help you out https://devforum.roblox.com/t/release-notes-for-475/1181108/2


So does that mean it won’t render far animations when the option is enabled? or disabled?