I’m trying to move some NPCs from a seat to a location using the MoveTo function, but some strange things are happening. Not sure if this is some sort of bug, or maybe I’m going about this the wrong way? I currently use Sit = false on the NPCs humanoid before using MoveTo.
And on the Server they just remain in their seats.
Looking into a bit more, the seat weld remains in place on the server, but not on the client. I should also mention this is coming from a server script.
This seems to be an ongoing bug that roblox staff are addressing and claim they have fixed in the latest update but it directly addresses your npc seating situation.
If you can reply to that post i would advise it.
Updating to latest studio, by re-installing, might fix this bug.
This issue is not at all even remotely related to the issue OP is having. They’re not manipulating HumanoidStateType at all. Don’t encourage users to bump bug reports that have been solved and have nothing to do with their problem.
You can add a module script to the chair with a function that checks if the Seat instance as a child called SeatWeld and destroys the weld if a SeatWeld is there.
function module.eject()
local chair = script.Parent
if chair.Seat:FindFirstChild("SeatWeld") then