What do you want to achieve?
I would like to know what the camera angle is (more below) to calculate how high the camera has to be to be able to see 2 parts plus a little distance. If you can imagine the camera as the tip of a pyramid, with the base being the Screen Size, cut that pyramid in half. Then make it two dimensional. -
What is the issue?
I am unawares of how to check this. Here’s a diagram if you want it:
https://gyazo.com/ce0122d5c0cba1a81b333ec2cb1e59e9 -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I checked, but was unable to find solutions
Essentially, I am using this angle to do some math to find how high the camera has to be above a certain part, the bottom left vertex, and a second part (the bottom right vertex), in order to see both and everything in-between.
I am happy to receive any ideas pertaining to finding the angle has well as ideas pertaining to calculating the camera height above the part, etc.