What is the difference between character,humanoid, and player?

Can anyone explain simply what is the difference between character, humanoid, and player?


Character is the model in game that represents the player as a visual 3D entity (basically the model of your Roblox Avatar in the game )

Player is not a physical model (like the character), rather a Class that is unique to players. Meaning only Players have this class. Eventually you find necessary stuff under the Player , such as PlayerScripts, PlayerGui, etc… which all handle the client (player).

A humanoid is sort of “soul”/“heart” of the Character (player’s 3D visual model), which is responsible for alot of stuff such as the Character’s Health, WalkSpeed,etc.

If you take off the humanoid off the Character, that Character is basically “dead”

Important to note:
“Character” is NOT a child of the Player. But rather as we mentioned above, is a 3D model that represents your Avatar in the 3D world in Roblox.



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What are the uses and functions of humanoid, character, and player?

A humanoid is what the character needs to “become alive”. It contains properties such as WalkSpeed, Health, JumpPower, etc. The character is self-explanatory. It is the body of the player and it is obviously needed to walk/move around. A player has multiple children such as Backpack (which is the player’s inventory) and the PlayerGui (StarterGui’s components cloned into PlayerGui).

In summary Humanoid needs a character to be usable, and the character needs a player to be usable.

Also you should look up Documentations if you want a clear explanation.


Bullet point I found helpful when learning these.

  • Character gets destroyed on death /respawn including StarterCharacter scripts within the character. So a new copy of a Starter Character script runs / initiate for a first time on respawn into the new character.

-Player & StarterPlayerScrips remain for the entire time a player is in the game and the scripts run /initiate only once.

I imagine the player instance as the soul, character as the body, and humanoid as the “life core” that brings everything alive.

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Character is basically the players body parts and where the humanoid is patented to, the humanoid holds important stuff such as the health of the character