Is there any differences in animating in « Set Animation Priority » between Core, Idle, Movement and Action?
If so what are the differences?
Is there any differences in animating in « Set Animation Priority » between Core, Idle, Movement and Action?
If so what are the differences?
These are animation priorities. Idle (least priority) < Core < Movement < Action (most priority).
The names are a weird label for priorities but I guess what’s going on there is essentially guiding you on what type of priority you should be using for an animation. That being said, this controls the playback priority of an animation. Priority determines which pose should be played over another when overlapping animations are being played - it’s a pretty literal term.
You can read more via KeyframeSequence.Priority and Using the Animation Editor. Remember to make a quick search on the web first if you have a question, since your answer might already be available somewhere. You can make a thread after if you did not find anything.