What is the easiest game to make.(Poll/Vote)

I believe this is relevant to “Game Design Support”.

Hello, noob developer here. And I mean really noob, I can’t even change the players walkspeed(joke).
Anyways, as you know there are many genres of games on Roblox like rpgs, simulators, shooters.

No, I’m not asking for a definite answer we all know there isn’t one.
Anyways, today I’ve come with a poll for you to decide, and for me to analyze. The order of my poll may or may not be my opinion…

Very simple, just choose the one you think is easy, or at least doable.

  • Obby(Please don’t choose this one)
  • Simulator(Legit cash-grab)
  • Story(Ever heard of Break-In)
  • Adventure(According to Roblox you give the player a tool and make them get resources)
  • Adventure II(“Bonus” for reference, but it’s a single player story with dynamic dialogue)
  • Puzzle(Not sure about this but may be implementable into story games)
  • Border(Cash-grab II)
  • Fighting(From this point on the difficulty spikes like 1000 ping servers)
  • Destructible Map(Ever heard of Bulked Up)

0 voters

I would really appreciate it if you could also add a comment on why you voted your option. If you even did…
Or if you have your own ideas, be my guest.

Edit: I expected developers to not be so honest and give reasons on why they think the other choices are doable. But yes go ahead…


According to ChatGPT the second easiest game to make is an adventure game, which is where you have a story where you have to rescue a kidnapped friend, solve a mystery, or find a treasure.
Which I think makes more sense.

Did I mention I was working on an adventure game? I hope I get to write my story on roblox someday.
Oh the dialogue, ohhh no.
Multi chara is hell. I can’t even change the dialogue nametag cuz it’s set to look for strings in an npc.
Yes it’s a free model.

You know you didn’t have to read this right? But I appreciate it.
If I ever decide to make a simulator I will name it cash grab sim


This is a no brainer. Obby is obviously the easiest. Then comes Simulator, then Puzzle, Border, Fighting, Destructible Map, Story, Adventure.


interesting, i expected people to put adventure somewhere around the middle. May I have your reasons, especially the ones about the fighting game and adventure game.
maybe i shouldn’t have put obby in there for humoric reasons
(just proves how new i really am lol, never thought i gave my self the hardest task)

Fightning games are hard for me because of the mechanics and especially all the models to make.
Adventure almost the same reason.

I see, ty for ur thoughts.
(But I don’t have a penny, so I’ll give roblox more characters instead)

Depending on how simplistic you want the destructible map to be, it could just be a couple of blocks as a map and just shooting a projectile that has an Explosion that’ll trigger on impact.


And BOOM (see what I did), that’s it! You could get more complicated with better weapons but this is supposed to be SIMPLE!!

Btw I’m not saying this is the simplest (excluding obbies), so yeah I’m just saying you could make it real simple.

And obviously the obby genre is the simplest.

should be story, puzzle, border, destructible map, simulator, fighting, adventure

Yes finally this is the type of reaction i expected the community to give.

I see you have similar opinions on the fighting and adventure games with him.
May I have your reasons for the simulator, I could just have been biased(positively) since i keep hearing “Cash Grabs are simple to understand easy games.”

the reason id say its not “so easy” is because you have to have very eye grabbing UI
and most of the times they have repeated levels just modelled differently so the work of copying, pasting, and replacing would take a while but I rated them by how easy they were to create I’m not saying cash grab simulators are a hard thing to make I’m saying that its not as hard as the others before it

Very reasonable, which slipped my mind.

Would be very interesting to see. Go ahead, add a little spin to make it more interesting. If you do, I hope to see it on the popular games!

It doesn’t take much to create a popular game.

I will do my best… time to figure out how to make a function loop itself in ObjectiveGUIs.

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I am giving it in my opinion wise. I am not good at story writing nor building. Puzzle games are quite easy to make? I know I haven’t made any.

obbies have to be the easiest game to make, a difficulty chart obby for example would most likely only take a day or two to make, especially if we are counting free models (which is most likely not).

any thoughts on other genres(which is the point of this post, but i am way to roundabout for this one)