What is the easiest way to make a cone?

I spent about 30 minutes yesterday just messing around making some office supplies which can be found here.Preformatted text

When creating the point of the pen I realized there isn’t necessarily any way (that I could find) to create a smooth cone part without using a mesh or a lot of carefully placed unions which I am personally not very fond to work with a whole lot. Keep in mind, the build was just me messing around and has no intended purpose- though there have been several times previously where I have needed a cone and meshes were really my only option. The reason I couldn’t use a mesh in this specific situation is due to the fact that I would’ve needed to do a small bit of union work on the tip of the cone to give it a pen tip shape. Myself personally, I cannot really get my mind around modeling so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.


I believe the only way to achieve this with parts in Studio, without the use of meshes or unions, could be with CornerWedges, however you wouldn’t get a very rounded base.

I think the only way to make a cone would be parts in studio or a mesh. However, in this case you can’t use a mesh or model the desired object.

You could search the toolbox for a cone union. This would allow you to perform the solid modeling you desire at the tip of the cone. A problem that you may run into however, is that it may be hard to find one with the specific dimensions you’re looking for.

You can try using this one, which has a 1x1x1 ratio:

I just tried this, but for some reason when I try to make a new union out of it, studio returns this error:

It would likely work, with a lot of resizing trial and error though this seems to be a big issue with unions I’ve found of cones. This was another reason why I was curious if there was a way around that, I’m unsure why Roblox does not support cones as a normal part yet.

The easiest way I would accomplish this is to simply get a cone, angle the parts into one another in a circular pattern (as close to circular as possible - the more parts, the smoother the cone), then just negate and union them off.

Here is a more detailed tutorial of how I would do it.

  1. The first thing I did was create a cylinder in studio, and put it on its side.

  1. The second step I did was to create multiple parts along a central part (so they are aligned), and just duplicate them until they are surrounding the cylinder.

(I did this part simply using F3X plugin, and then rotating it based on the “last” option so that it stayed central.)

  1. From then on I simply negated all the parts except for the cylinder and then unioned them all together (I duplicated and moved it slightly to make it more cylindrical).

  1. And voila! You have a point that was made from solely parts and unions (remember to change the color and material before negating or unioning, as it can only be done beforehand and doesn’t work afterwards).

Now of course you can use a mesh, and you can use a model from the toolbox, but this is just a step by step tutorial for you to make it yourself. I hope this was what you were looking for, and good luck on your builds!


I think this should work for now, thank you! I think the only big work around with it is the sizing though I assume I could probably do the majority of it before unioning.

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Is there a way that would require so much parts? Because this seems like it would cause players on low end devices lag