What is the line on roblox when it comes to beverages

I’m currently working on a pirate game with a few friends, and we had the idea to also add some sort of beverage that would get the player drunk and cause them to stumble and potentially fall off their ship if they had too much.

Not sure if this is allowed on roblox though, despite that it’s not a realistic depiction of alcohol and would probably be called Grog.

Would this be possible? And to what extent?

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Yeah, don’t do it.

Depictions of intoxicated behavior associated with consuming alcohol or drugs

Maybe if it’s called a poison or a dizzy potion, but that’s probably getting really close to crossing the line.


That is allowed, yes.

“17+ experiences on Roblox may include references to, and depictions of, alcohol use and intoxicated behavior” You are allowed to have a game where the player is intoxicated, as long as the experience is 17+

It’s important to note that players can only be intoxicated from alcohol, and the effects should mimic alcohol intoxication, NOT other drugs, such as marijuana. Read below for more:

"However, we prohibit users from discussing, depicting, or promoting illegal and some regulated goods, including:

  • Illegal and regulated drugs, including marijuana and the misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs, and the depiction of intoxication as a result of these substances
  • Drug, tobacco, vaping, or other smoking paraphernalia
  • Dietary supplements and enhancers such as weight loss pills and steroids"
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This does not apply to 17+ experiences.

This is by far misleading, as you are referencing the community standards, not the 17+ standards, which are more relaxed. Read here for more information on 17+ standards: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/15869919570708-Roblox-17-Policy-Standards

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This is assuming the original poster intends to make their game 17+, which so far they have not indicated their intentions for the rating.


Please never just assume you are giving advice to someone who is dealing with a 17+ experience.

Imagine the worst case scenario. (No offence @Sirewags, I’m just using this as an example)

You tell Outlaw that “This is allowed, yes.” and they don’t read any further than that so they put it in their game. Then it gets released as an all ages experience…

I’d rather stay on the safe side when trying to give advice. :slightly_smiling_face:


I think I’ll just stick with Root Beer for now then just to play it safe,
Cheers for the help


The reference I gave was for 17+ experiences, not the standard game. Anyone with a bit of competency would understand that when I say “17+ experiences” it means 17+ experiences. If the game is not a 17+ experience, then obviously it is not allowed.

The author asked “What is the line on roblox when it comes to beverages” and I provided that 17+ experiences are allowed to have it, which they are. Not once did I mention that other experiences are allowed to do this, because they aren’t.

Per the 17+ guidelines: “17+ experiences on Roblox may include references to, and depictions of, alcohol use and intoxicated behavior”. I don’t see why anyone would think this is for the standard of roblox, because it is not.

When an experience is listed as 17+, it is made specifically for people who are over the age of 17. It does not mean it is for every game. Roblox recently allowed the use of alcohol in 17+ experiences.

At the end of the day, it’s the game creator’s due diligence to ensure that their game complies with roblox standards.

We know that, don’t get so defensive, and don’t assume we have zero clue about 17+ guidelines.

Just saying you could’ve said “If you are going to set your game to 17+ then yes, but if not, then no”

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