I’m having a little problem here trying to get my code to work as efficiently as I can. I posted a few days ago here about a similar issue and that post was helpful, but now I want to see if there are any better ways to accomplish what I am trying to accomplish.
local MyDataTable = {"Number 1","Position 2","Index 3","So on and so forth 4"}
function SearchAndRemoveSomethingFromMyDataTable(StringIWantRemoved)
for i,v in pairs(MyDataTable) do
if v == StringIWantRemoved then
table.insert(MyDataTable,2,"Test") -- this is used to simulate something being added to the table before this loop is completed.
print(MyDataTable[2]) -- printing here results in "Test" output
table.remove(MyDataTable,i) -- this removes the "Test" input rather than the desired string I wished to remove.
SearchAndRemoveSomethingFromMyDataTable("Position 2")
print(unpack(MyDataTable)) -- this prints MyDataTable exactly as seen at the top, with "Position 2" still inside of it.
This is the method I use to search a table, find what I want, and either do something with it or remove it. In the example, before the “Position 2” string gets removed, something is added to the table in the position 2 index. Instead of removing the desired string, the new input is removed instead. Obviously that is not desirable. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to do this?
I’m not actually trying to insert Test into the table, that is just the device I’m using to simulate something being added. I’m using a module script to store data for all the players in the server, and when those players leave I want their respective data to be removed from the table. If, in the process of searching for their data, someone were to join and their data was added, there is the potential for something like this to occur. I’m trying to solve that potential issue.
It’s probably better to use a dictionary instead of an array then:
local AllData = {}
function OnPlayerAdded(plr)
local data = -- get data table
AllData[plr.UserId] = data
function OnPlayerRemoving(plr)
AllData[plr.UserId] = nil
The actual difference between table.remove and value niling is that table.remove will also move all the values back 1 slot after the one you removed, and niling will leave these values intact.
Adding onto this, dictionaries are in general a really efficient way to do sets:
local infectedPlayers = {}
local function infect(player)
infectedPlayers[player] = true
local function heal(player)
infectedPlayers[player] = nil
local function isInfected(player)
return infectedPlayers[player]
You avoid the overhead of shifting values around inside table.remove